Monday, August 16, 2010

All you Microsoft experts out there I need your help please.?

Microsoft has downloaded K B 931764 'Updated Junk email filter', but it fails to install. As it goes I am not particullary bothered about this as I am well protected by other means. The problem is I can't get rid of the download or the annoying yellow shield icon on my task bar. Can any help? Please don't refer me to the Microsoft site; navigating that is like trying to juggle soot.

All you Microsoft experts out there I need your help please.?microsoft office

To get rid of the yellow shield...uncheck that update from the download..and press okay..or wtva button is there to continue. A dialouge box will appear saying 'are you sure you don't want to download' or something like that. below that there'll be a checkbox saying 'don't notify me about this update again'...chck that and continue. I thnk that shd solve it.

All you Microsoft experts out there I need your help please.?norton antivirus

Go into the control panel - add %26 remove programs. Select Microsoft KB931764 'Updated and delete it

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