I only have microsoft works but must submit projects on microsoft word and powerpoint. Can I buy them in one package or do I have to get 2 separate packages. Also does anyone know what I should expect to pay in euros.
Many thanks
I need microsoft word and powerpoint on my pc.?best antivirus software
try Open Office = free and powerfull + compatible with star office mac suite and microsoft office
I need microsoft word and powerpoint on my pc.?firewall
Buy microsoft office it has word %26 powerpoint, excel etc... expect to pay around 60 euros or do a search you might be able to download it?
You need to have Microsoft Office, It will cost you about 拢 100 pouds (145 EUR). I mean lastest one MS-OFFICE 2007 but it's not necessary to have a latest version as long as you can buy Office 2000 or 2003 would be O.K.
u should have a package of ms-office ...it contains all..
You need MS Office. No idea of cost in euros.
When you use Microsoft Works, you can use SAVE AS, then pick Microsoft Word as the SAVE AS TYPE. Be sure to name the document with ".doc" as the extension.
That way, you only have to buy Microsoft Power Point.
But there is a Microsoft Office Student %26 Teacher Edition - that might be cheaper than the two packages separately and include MORE.
download for free
You can get it cheaper if you're school's signed up to software4students.com
Less expensive to buy Office than Word and Excel
Microsoft Office Student %26 Teacher Edition 2003 拢74.99
Microsoft Office 2007 Home and Student Edition (PC) 拢96.99
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