Monday, August 16, 2010

Linux vs. Microsoft? The age old debate.?

I've been a *nix user now for several years, and am still appalled by the lack of interest in it. What is it about Microsoft that makes it sooo appealing. Crashes, backdoors, packages and programs that you constantly have to upgrade. I just don't get it. Can someone either tell me what is so 'good' about Microsoft, or simply just tell me why you like *nix so much.... Thanx!

Linux vs. Microsoft? The age old debate.?nortan

...Good comment by Snake.... In one of my previous posts, I made a comment about the business models of Ms and Mac. I see Linux as an idea. Ms does have its issues, and frankly, a lot of player haters saying, ''Ms sux'' would still be using 28.8 modems in Dos where it not for MS as a business taking off. Yes, it has caused me countless anguish from lost data to cash. The one thing Ms can be said to have done is to empower the ability of the masses to get connected. So, here we are. What now? I love playing with Linux. Linux has probs that if warned about would scare off potential converts. I haven't put it on a laptop yet. You know why. Do I see Linux as a viable competietor to MS? In the desktop market? Nope. Why!? People resist change, except in measure, and even then it must be familiar. MS is a name brand, like Wrangler is to blue jeans. What is Linux? Rustler, sold and marketed by every outlet. An 'off-brand'. A wanna-be. My gosh! It even LOOKS like windows! LOL! Thats called a knock-off. People assume it'll be like those fake Rolex watches in NY City. Cheap, shiney, and doomed to stop working soon as the guy folds up his table. My last install of Mint just got hosed by an update, Puppy just got toasted, PC Linux failed, the only install I have running today, is Ubuntu. I might listen to Snakes sale pitch, and try his brand of coffee next.... Lemme stop, I'm just blathering on... I do luv the very open communal idea of Linux, and thats enuff to keep my interest and focus on it. Oh! Plus a bunch of all discard PCs! Now, if only Google will go ahead and release thier Distro... then this debate might change some.

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