Monday, August 9, 2010

Check this out. Do you know that Microsoft is planning on bringing out a handheld?

January 26, 2006 - In an effort to loosen Apple's stranglehold on the portable media device market, Microsoft may be contemplating throwing a new device into the fray; one that would most likely include gaming.

Xbox chief Peter Moore told Business Week that a new Microsoft device would most likely incorporate music, video and gaming, the latter of which the iPod doesn't support. The device, then, would also butt heads with Sony's Playstation Portable and fall into a category all its own.

"It can't just be our version of the iPod," Moore said in the interview.

The fact that Moore commented at all could indicate that the Xbox brand would be used to market the device. Back in 2004, it was rumored that Microsoft was developing a handheld called the "Xboy."

"I think the brand is an opportunity," Moore told Business Week.

Microsoft would not comment on the device and even if one is in development, but a representative did say, "Microsoft is committed to innovation

Check this out. Do you know that Microsoft is planning on bringing out a handheld?computer virus

XBOX portable.......... Sweet.........

Check this out. Do you know that Microsoft is planning on bringing out a handheld?free spyware remover

nope . ummm i jst said tat cuase i had nothin 2 say no but seriouly wts goin on
actually...there has been talk about this happening for several years now. I believe that it will have trouble seeing as how Nintendo basically holds the market in handhelds. The fact that PSPs have not sold as well as expected could make microsoft hesitant to put this on the market.
coul be, but personally idon't think so, cuz they have lost too much in the first xbox and right now they are risking millions on the xbox360.

maybe if the 360 start reporting some profit

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